What's Next?
Life Purpose Coaching with Lisa Kellogg

This Life Purpose Coaching series is for 20 Somethings who are perplexed by what to do next or how to move forward in their life in the face of apparently shrinking opportunities.

If you are discouraged because you are:

  • Unable to figure out what career path to follow.
  • Living at home after college because you can't find a job that pays enough to cover student loan and basic living expenses.
  • About to give up on Grad school because it is not clear that you will be able to pay for the loans when you graduate.
  • Stuck in a job you hate because you don't see any better options.

You could be ready for some time wizardry and purpose hunting to help you expand what you believe is possible and discover your next adventure.

Lisa can help you:

  • Clarify what is most important to you.
  • Cut through the chaos, create a life vision & get it into action.
  • Span the gap between your doubts and your dreams.
  • Tap group synergies to move into our preferred futures.
  • Use her AMP it Up Process to engage your creativity, have fun and get more done!

Come and be inspired by meeting regularly with a group of like minded travelers! Share progress, explore opportunities and stretch your limits.

Date and time: TBA

Fee:$TBA for the series of 6.

For more information and to register, contact Lisa.

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© Copyright 2008-2021 Point to Creativity
Lisa Kellogg
Rosendale, NY 12472

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