Developing Creativity Tips

Tap Your Creative Flow!

Developing creativity isn't as mysterious as you might think. I invite you to use the following ideas to see what imaginative results come from learning to tap your creative flow.

1) Listen, Observe & Expand Awareness

2) Develop Empathy

3) Take Action, Practice, Use Creativity Exercises

4) Stretch Your Limits, Break Rules & Routines

5) Whole Mind Thinking, Mind Maps, Exercise Your Imagination

6) Play!

7) Structure, Limits, Self Discipline & Daily Habits

8) Take Care of Your Instrument, Practice Good Self Care

9) Trust The Process & Your Intuition

People are different in terms of what they need to grow or to take action and create in their lives. Look around, see what you feel drawn to, take a risk, experiment with something that might seem a bit intimidating.

Stretching out of your comfort zone is a great way to develop your creativity and to move forward in your life.

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Lisa Kellogg
Rosendale, NY 12472

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