What is a Pointless Muddle Puddle?

To the Point, a just in time newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg

Today's Point: Mid-Winter Momentum

What's Next?: Amp Up Your Art/Life

No More Points: Expand Your Day with Play!

Mid-Winter Momentum

In the middle of what seems like a clear path with strong direction, suddenly your point vanishes. Yikes!

You may have stepped into a pointless muddle puddle.

Pointless, my inner sassy cereal girl drew this on a spikeless day.

Mid-winter seems to be a time when a lot of folks experience what I call a pointless puddle muddle, a stall in your momentum. Here are a few question’s to bubble and perk a puddle muddle into a new momentum moment. And, if you are moving fine, they will help to keep your groove going and avoid a future muddle:

  • What's perking in your mid-winter stew?
  • What's got your attention? What needs your attention?
  • What ingredient could you add or action could you take to increase your energy and make something nourishing and lively?

I find any kind of expressive movement will help, draw, write, sing, dance, play!

Would you like to have fun and get more done?

Why not unfurl like a Hosta curl?

AMP Up Your Art/Life: Coaching Series

Amp Up Your Art/Life: Creativity Coaching 2nd and 4th Tues of the month 7-9pm. Begins Tues. Feb 28th Runs to 3 months, Rosendale, NY. Go to AMP Up

This group will help you:

  • Get focused and commit to SMART Goals
  • Prioritize, plan, take action and be accountable
  • Brainstorm, strategize, & discover new opportunities

"I feel that this group and Lisa's work has been tremendously helpful in identifying my stumbling blocks. I have worked with coaches and endless books on my own and not arrived at what I arrived at with this experience."-Bibi Farber, Songwriter

Also: Surviving to Thriving: Success Coaching for Independent-Minded 1st Tues of the Month Go to Thriving

For more info link to each or to find all, go to Coaching Classes
You can also call Lisa at 845-658-9120 or reply to this email for more info or to register.

Expand your day with Play!

Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think!

Thank you,

Exercise your Imagination, Act on your Passion & Find Fun-fillment!
