Silver Lining Adventures: The Power of Creative Visualization

To the Point, a monthly newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg at PTC.

In this Issue:

What's New; Canaltown Alley Open House Youth Arts, and another Coaching Cafe!

Today's Point; The Power of Creative Visualization

Laughs Point; More TED, and preview of next month

What's New?

Open House: Youth Arts at the Alley!

Saturday April 25, 12-4 pm at Canaltown Alley Arts Center, Main St. (behind The Big Cheese) Rosendale, NY

Come learn about the After School and Summer Youth Arts Programs. Classes in theater, music, visual arts, poetry and more. Meet Ann Citron, Proprietor of Canaltown Alley Arts and the other teachers. Enjoy refreshments! Call Ann at 845-658-8563 for more information.

Silver Lining Adventures: The Power of Creative Visualization

Lisa will give a free presentation at the next Coaching Café

Sunday May 17, 5 pm at Canaltown Alley Arts Center, Main St. (behind The Big Cheese) Rosendale, NY

Come learn strategies for staying connected to your life dreams despite difficult circumstances. Lisa will be back with her Silver Lining Lenses to discuss how to use creative visualization to transform the "yuck to yum" during adverse times.

For more information on this free event go to Coaching Cafe'.

What's the Point?

The Power of Creative Visualization

Exercise your imagination, transform adversity, connect to your passion, refresh your life vision.

We're probably most familiar with Olympic athlete's use of creative visualization to practice reaching a “10” in their performances using their imagination. This is a powerful tool for capacity building and performance enhancement but, you don’t have to be an athlete to use it. Creative visualization is a great tool for focusing on and developing your preferred future in any arena in your life. We can also use this process to transform our perspective and aid in finding solutions during adverse circumstances.

What is your future life vision? Where could you enhance your performance through repeatedly imagining it as a perfect “ten”?

Taking a few quiet moments, allow yourself to daydream, revisit your vision if you have one or, start to develop one if you don't. What got you started? Consider the “why” of what you are doing. This may help reconnect you to the passion. If you have had some setbacks, consider what you are learning and see if you can find the silver lining.

Or, try imagining different possibilities. Sometimes, it is helpful to imagine silly or outlandish things. If you can play around with odd juxtapositions, you may jog some aspect of your perception of the situation and find a new idea, a silver lining. I have made some ridiculous looking glasses just to aid in this practice.

If you are currently in difficult circumstances and are having trouble finding the silver lining, come to my free presentation on May 17th or call for a complimentary session.

Follow these links for more specifics on how to use creative visualization and vision boards.

Oh! Laughs Point!

I forgot to explain in my last newsletter that TED, of TED talks is not a person but, instead stands for Technology Entertainment and Design.

I included two talks, relevant to this months issue. (If you only have time for one, I recommend you watch the second one by Ken Robinson it’s funny and refreshing.)

Since, I have been talking about visions, the Curator of TED, Chris Anderson’s 2002 talk is on his vision for TED. Interesting history-- but not a funny talk. Chris Anderson

Ken Robinson on Creativity

Next month, I will be offering my first Tele-class. The topic is a secret, even to me. Hmmm. Wonder what I’ll come up with… I suppose it will spring from my vision….

Any comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think!

Thank you, Lisa

Take Imaginative Action, Accelerate Your Growth, Be Your Creative Potential!