"When nothing is sure, everything is possible."-Margaret Drabble

Welcome to the first issue of To the Point, a monthly newsletter published by Lisa Kellogg at Point to Creativity.


Today's Point; tip, tool or question to keep you moving forward; living, working and playing as creatively and successfully as possible.

What's New; upcoming events, classes & workshops.

One Last Point; a cool surprise!

What's the Point?

The Power of Your Curiosity! Inquiries...

“We find intimacy through a search for comfort with ambiguity. We do not grow by knowing all the answers, but rather by living with the questions.” -Max DePree, Leadership is an Art

In coaching, we call living with a question an "Inquiry". It is a powerful tool to pull you forward and help you find what you need, to solve the challenge before you. An inquiry is usually tailored to your situation and most often a question that you can’t answer immediately but, need to sit with, sleep on and play with.

What is the inquiry that you need to sit with? What question would have the power to pull you forward?

By taking a few quiet moments, you will usually intuitively know what question you need to be asking but, if you are puzzled, experiment.

What's New?

Keeping Up In a Down Market

Lisa will give a free presentation at the next Coaching Café

Sunday March 22, 5 pm at Canaltown Alley Arts Center, Main St. (behind The Big Cheese) Rosendale, NY

Are you feeling anxiety and fear about the state of the economy? Come learn strategies for managing stress and shifting your perspective. Explore how to transform pressure into spark for something new. If you are curious, you can even try out Lisa's Silver Lining Lenses.

For more information on this free event go to Coaching Cafe'.

Spring Into Action!

A 4 week coaching series begins Sunday April 5, 5-7pm.

After attending Keeping up in a Down Market, you might just be ready to Spring Into Action. Would you like to move from Surviving to Thriving? This coaching series will help you start that process. Gain clarity and focus, establish goals and take action to move into your preferred future.

For more info call Lisa at 845-658-9120 or go to Thriving.

Oh! One Last Point!

If you are not familiar with the TED Talks, you might want to check them out at TED. They are informative and inspiring and many of them are also quite entertaining.

To get you started, here is one that I find fascinating due to my interest in play, Why Play is Vital by Stuart Brown.

Any Comments? Ideas? Feedback? Other "Points" you think I should include? I'd love to hear from you. Just reply and tell me what you think!

Thank you, Lisa

Take Imaginative Action, Accelerate Your Growth, Be Your Creative Potential!
